-Hello everyone, before starting with the actual interview, can you introduce yourself to the readers?
Hi everyone my name is Faraz Anwar I’m a multi-instrumentalist Prog Rock artist from Pakistan.
- Can you tell us about your musical project and how it was born?
I wrote the first song back in 2006 & the sound was set for "Tale Of The Lunatics" album. Then I worked on the album on & off & finally it was Released in January 2022. as I remember the first song "Lap lost" I did was to learn Cubase software that’s why you hear lots of tempo changes & odd time signatures before that I was working on a small keyboard sequencer by Yamaha QY 70 I wanted to translate the QY70 techniques to Cubase. So first I made the whole music of the album & then I wrote the vocal melodies then I wrote the story for the album & rest of the lyrics was written by various people I think it turned out well in the end.
- How did you think of your name? Can you retrace the genesis and the meaning of it?
I’m a solo artist but Faraz name meaning is Ascent, Height, Exalted.
- What are your influences and who inspired you?
My music journey started when I watched some rock & metal compilation on VHS when I was in 6th grade in that video I found yngwie malmsteen song" you don't remember" that video motivated me to pick up the guitar but before that I heard all these awesome prog rock bands like rush, pink floyd, yes, Kansas etc..Besides that I also heard all 80s pop, rock and metal too. When I was very young my first western music exposure was the band Abba my father brought me few albums of Abba & I loved the classical pop style compositions by Abba & still like them. My main guitar heroes are yngwie j malmsteen, Eric Johnson, Steve lukather, Allan holdsworth, Trevor Rabin Mike Oldfield & many others .
- Tell me your favorite bands, for each member of the group?
yngwie malmsteen , Kansas , yes, msg ,allan holdsworth ,rush,
air supply, chicago, jouney, survivor, a-ha.etc...
- How do you compose your songs?
I compose songs in 2 ways. If the song is too heavy i start by tracking the rhythm guitar with the metronome & try to compose everything on guitar the other way is if I want to write a melodic track then I totally compose on keys. Then afterwards complete the song step by step.
- Tell us about your first live experience and your most recent!
to tell you the truth I never had a good progressive musicians in my music career that’s why I play everything on the album by myself in Pakistan every show is nightmare here there are no live sound engineers so I always complain that’s why I stopped playing here, I don’t remember if we ever had a good system in our show. Last time I played in the US in 2018 it was a good experience.
Have you ever had "stage anxiety"? Do you have any suggestions for newbie’s?
Yes I do but once I start playing it goes away & then when I leave the stage other anxieties take control of mind ha-ha .for newbie’s a good advice would be do a good warm-up before hitting the stage it will help it gives you confidence.
- What do you think of your fans? What is the strangest anecdote related to them?
I like my fans but after this social media age I think people cross limits sometimes they interfere in your personal life which is not cool that’s why I like 80s & 90s which was the best time compare to now in my opinion people do respect each other privacies.
- Before concluding, we leave room for you to add the last few things!
In the end just want to say keep listening to good music ,if I ever have the opportunity to do world tour I’ll see you guys there & meet you in person stay tuned for my new music & subscribe to my YouTube channel.