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Interview with Re:Silence

Graziano Ciccarelli

-Hello everyone, before starting with the actual interview, can you introduce yourself to the readers?

Hi, we are Andy, Jan, Sebastian and Stephan from Re:SILENCE, a rockbound from Hamburg, Germany.

- Can you tell us about your musical project and how it was born?

We started a couple of years ago. The only founder left would be Andy actually. Jan and Sebastian joined around 2017 and Stephan in 2019. Since then we rehearsed regularly and played the first gigs, right before the pandemic put a stop in the live circuit.

We started the project to create music we would like to listen to and we would have fun to play. That's still the spirit. We don't write anything not for ourselves. If someone else likes it, that a bonus of course.

- How did you think of your name? Can you retrace the genesis and the meaning of it?

We brainstormed some ideas by writing them down. Somehow the word Resilience as an idea came in play, I think Sebastian brought it in. We all liked the idea, the meaning but we were missing something. So we came up with the idea to hide second "I" to get Resilence and also put in the : to have a visualization of a respond. So we have a mix of resilience, what music can support for us and a answer to silence, also a connection to our music of course.

- What are your influences and who inspired you?

We started with a grungy sound, put in a little bit of punk and also have some hard rock styles in our songs. I think that's the mix we develop as musicians.

- Tell me your favorite bands, for each member of the group?

Hard to tell to be honest, to pick just one and somehow varies from time to time. Let's give it a try: Slipknot, The Helicopters, Blind Guardian, Pearl Jam in no particular order and we don't reveal which band belongs to who. You may guess for yourself ;)

- How do you compose your songs?

That changes from song to song. Usually one of us comes up with an idea. Sometime just a riff, sometimes almost a complete song, prerecorded. Jan usually writes the lyrics or may changes them a little bit to put them into a melody to sing. And through some rehearsals we develop a new song. That sounds easy to say it like that, in reality it takes some time to be honest until we are all happy with the result. But we are getting there every time.

- Tell us about your first live experience and your most recent!

Have you ever had "stage anxiety"? Do you have any suggestions for newbies?

The first was in hostel in Hamburg actually. Andy had a connection to the location, so we played there around December. It felt like a small band Christmas party. It was a lot of fun to get out of the small room where we rehearse and share our songs with an audience. As it was the first gig, of course some friends and family showed up, which was nice.

The last was in a small venue here in Hamburg. It was a lot of fun. We played with 2 other bands that night, had a great time, got a lot of positive feedback and are still hyped to continue the live journey, now that our album is out.

Stage fright...That happens. Sure. Not neccessarily in a way that affects us concerning to feel sick or something like that. But being nervous before a gig is part of being in a band/playing live. 5 deep breaths and reminding yourself, that you are about to share your passion with other people. Usually you receive some feedback after the show and connect with other music lovers. That's the end of the rainbow. So be nervous, that's normal. But also be happy about what's waiting on the other side.

- What do you think of your fans? What is the strangest anecdote related to them?

Nothing strange happened so far. We'll let you guys know, when it happened.

- Before concluding, we leave room for you to add the last few things!

Thanks for the interview! We invite all readers to have an ear on our debut album, which is available everywhere.

Feel free to follow us on social media or even write us if you have any questions or feedback for us. Social Media links Streaminglinks: Lyrics Video “what’s it worth”:



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