-Hello everyone, before starting with the actual interview, can you introduce yourself to the readers?
*Oi There, were just a punk band named Dignity of Assholes, Dignity of Assholes are 5 best friends from North Jakarta, Indonesia who have a vision of having fun and protesting the systems that hold people back through the use of music.
- Can you tell us about your musical project and how it was born?
*we started at 15th November 2009 in Jakarta Indonesia . we launched our first EP during Mayday 2021 named "Fight for Revolution" a 101 starter pack to start your rebel movement
- How did you think of your name? Can you retrace the genesis and the meaning of it?
*Well as a young punk rocker from indonesia who have the dignity to fight for what they believe using music and doing so in a country where people often think it's a bad idea to do so.
- What are your influences and who inspired you?
Tim Armstrong a lot of his songs inspired us
- Tell me your favorite bands, for each member of the group?
Rancid, Sex pistols, Dropkick Murphys, The Clash
- How do you compose your songs?
*We use real life events that happens near us for the lyrics and give it our own musical touch
- Tell us about your first live experience and your most recent!
Have you ever had "stage anxiety"? Do you have any suggestions for newbies?
*well were always anxious but we just manage to unleash the beast that is inside us! our live experience was awesome we get up there and just have fun even if esha's head is bleeding because of bottles smashed on his head lol
- What do you think of your fans? What is the strangest anecdote related to them?
- Before concluding, we leave room for you to add the last few things!
we would like to thanks you for giving us space here and ofcourse thanks to HeadWormz crew for supporting us by launching our first EP! for all you reading this just keep on rebel coz Rebellion is a creativity and only creative people can change this world!
