-Hello everyone, before starting with the actual interview, can you introduce yourself to the readers?
Hello , we are demonicera from tyrol in austria and we play death metal in the swedish style
- Can you tell us about your musical project and how it was born?
Rene: Our project was born 2015 probably during a night of heavy drinking haha. We started using the Legendary Boss HM2 around 2017 till then we had a lot of difficulties finding our sound and constant Band Member changes.
- How did you think of your name? Can you retrace the genesis and the meaning of it? Rene: i sadly do not remember how we got the name. After a night of heavy drinking like i said before the name was just there. It grew on us.
- What are your influences and who inspired you?
Dave : Our influences are mostly Bands who play the Swedish Style of Death Metal like Bloodbath , LIK , and offcourse Dismember , we also draw inspiration from other genres , but its mostly Swedish Style Death Metal Bands
- Tell me your favorite bands, for each member of the group?
Mike : Sepultura , Metallica , Pantera, Bloodbath , LIK, Zillertaler Schürzenjäger , Herbert Pixner Project
Dave : HIM , Katatonia , Rammstein and Type O Negative Rene: Dismember, Bloodbath, Hypocrisy and definitely LIK love those guys
- How do you compose your songs?
Mike : The guys come up with new stuff in the rehearsals while jamming i think , i just add my bass lines to them , maybe do some arrangemental changes and thats it , sometimes i write some riffs or songs by myself and the ones i think would fit the band get sent to the guys to see what they think of it , if they like it its band material , if they dont like it it goes to the bottomless pit of my unfinished side projects haha Dave : Yeah , like Mike said , alot of the riffs and songs get created in rehearsals while jamming together , Most of the riffs off the EP were written by Rene and me when we still shared an apartement . Alltough we dont share an apartement anymore we still meet and write stuff together and then we bring it to the rehearsals to work on it with Moe and Samuel - Tell us about your first live experience and your most recent! Sam: It was pretty dope. We had a lot friends there who are partied hard. It was like cellebrating with a huge family.
-Have you ever had "stage anxiety"? Do you have any suggestions for newbies? Sam: Yes and no..
- What do you think of your fans? What is the strangest anecdote related to them?
Mike : we have fans ??
Thanks to Demonicera for their great music, we wish them great success!
